Wiki ICD10 and Doctors Reimbursement and Profile


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My doctor is asking me to research how the coding of the ICD10 comorbidities will affect their profile as a qualified physician. I have only seen information saying that after awhile that physicians that keep using nonspecific codes will be penalized financially. He took a training class at the hospital that advised them that not only will their pay would be affected, but their rating as a physician if they do not code all of the patients issues. I have not been able to find any written information that supports that the lack of specific ICD10 coding would influence their profile as qualified physician. I would appreciate any feedback regarding this issue.


I have seen some talk of this. It was explained to me that CMS is looking to go to a different payment system based off quality of care. The way this was explained to me is payments will be determined based off doctor A treated a patient with cough, chest pain, and breast cancer for the same cost of doctor B who's patient only had a cough and no other conditions. Doctor A is able to provide a higher quality of care at a lower cost. I am pretty sure this was in the CMS 2015 final rule.