Wiki Icd0


Wichita, KS
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Can someone tell me what ICD9 to use superficaol fragment of squamous epithelium pf perineum with hyperkeratosis and bacterila colonies? This was a removal.
hyperkeratosis... 701.1 is the closest thing I can come up with hyperkeratosis of the perineum.

bacterial colonies... You could use 040.89 if all you know is bacterial colonies because there are no notes as to what type of bactera are present.
I know that "superficial fragment of squamous epithelium of perineum" describes a superficial layer of skins cells from the perineum (the general region between the anus and the genital organs), so that's not a Dx.

Hyperkeratosis is the thickening in the outer layer of the skin, so this is a Dx. The chart note says that there is a thickening in the outer layer of the skin within the perineum region.

The doctor also says that there are bacterial colonies within the squamous epithelium of the perineum, but doesn't mention the type of bacteria. If the type of bacteria was identified, you'd have to use a different code from
040.89. The code for the specific type of bacteria would be somewhere near code 040.89 in the tabular index.

I hope this clears things up for you.