Wiki ICD code


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I currently work for a neurologist, who saw a patient for consultation for her OB, the patient is currently pregnant with a history of a rupture brain aneurysm in 2010 and has metallic coiled. Patient was requesting her OB to do a vaginal delivery, my doctor advise against the vaginal delivery due to her history.

My neurologist wanted to bill her insurance with the ICD code of V22.0, I advise him we could not bill with this ICD code, because we consulted the patient for the history of the brain aneurysm, then secondary will be the pregnancy.

Am I correct, please advise.
You will need a code from the 630-677 range not pregnancy secondary, if nothing else use the 648.93 with the secondary code of hx for the aneuysm. however I believe there may be a better code perhaps in the 649 category.