Wiki ICD Burns 10%


Lexington, NC
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On Practice Exam B. Question 41 states ".....there was 10 % of a Body Surface that was burned.
AAPC states the part of the answer for the 10% is 948.10 which is stating less than 10 percent of body surface.
I feel the answer should be 948.11 which states 10-19 percent of body surface.
The scenario does not state there was a total less than 10%, it states "a total of 10% of body surface." I feel this can be debated. I am interested in the rationale anyone has because there may be a question on the exam in which could trip me. Thanks
The key is how much was specified as 3rd degree. If the statement is 10% body surface burned with no specification as to 3rd degree involvement the the 948.10 is the correct choice, for 948.11 to be the correct choice you would need a state that 10% body surface burned with 10% 3rd degree involvement.