Wiki Icd 9- PCS

ICD-10-PCS codes are replacing ICD-9 Volume 3. These are codes reported on hospitals facility claims and only for inpatient surgeries. The payer I work for will deny the claim for any other provider type and level of care
The facility I code for needs the PCS codes on our outpatient invasive procedures. No specific payor has been but it is expected that I am to code them in addition to the CPT codes. Any facility I have worked at has required them on outpatient facility coding. I see all the time folks say that it is not required, but I am not sure why the facilities are having us doing them except it is for internal reporting perhaps.
The facility I code for needs the PCS codes on our outpatient invasive procedures. No specific payor has been but it is expected that I am to code them in addition to the CPT codes. Any facility I have worked at has required them on outpatient facility coding. I see all the time folks say that it is not required, but I am not sure why the facilities are having us doing them except it is for internal reporting perhaps.

It must be for internal reporting reasons. Its not being used for reimbursement purposes. For Medicare the only place in my pricing system for me to enter PCS or I9 volume 3 codes is in Inpatient Facility to determine the DRG. Outpatient facility is primarily priced based on APC's which are tied to CPT/HCPCS. ASC rates are based off CPT as well.