Wiki ICD-9 Neoplasm Code Updates (173.xx)


Golden Valley, MN
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With the updated codes effective 10/1/11 for malignant neoplasms, I need clarification on what the difference is between "unspecified malignant neoplasm" and "other specified malignant neoplasm"? For example....a basal cell carcinoma of the lip would be coded 173.01....when and how would you use 173.00 versus 173.09? Thank you.
Whenever you see an option like this where one of the choices is "Unspecified" and another is "Other Specified" the difference between the two is whether or not the detail is documented. For instance, if the note described the diagnosis as malignant neoplasm of the lip.... but there is no further specificity, then you should use 173.00 however if they described it as a Lymphoepithelial carcinoma of the lip, then you should use 173.09 ... see the difference? 173.00 is used when the details of the neoplasm are unspecified by the provider. 173.09 is used when it is specified, but not listed in the ICD-9