Wiki ICD-9 help - situation to code

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I have an unusual situation to code. A 78 yr.old man is having a routine Pap test. He had gone through sex change by way of injections etc to become a legal male. But he still must have Pap smears because he still has a cervix and vagina. How do I code this for payment? I am sure the insurance company will have a fit with this one.
Judy Houston
Get the sex with "XX" chromosomal factor or as intersex in the DOCTOR'S report /medical record!!
You cannot give ambiguity
A.weaver, you are absolutely correct in selecting th ecategory. Ther is no other code nearer than this.-302 series
I would go for Trans-sexualism (a sex rearrangement status. not necessarily be a surgery be there). Surgery and hormonal treatments for gender reassignment are available for both male and female transsexuals.
Transsexualism deals with a consistently strong desire to change one's anatomical gender.
Thank you very much.