Wiki Icd 9 exam preparation!?


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I just had a quick question if anyone could help.

I took the medical coding course last March but dealt with a lot of health issues as where I could not study and complete the test. I'm still interested in getting certified, I do have my 2014 icd 9 book along with my hcpcs book. I plan on taking my exam before next year. Being that icd 10 is released in October will that have any effect on the exam? Am I better off waiting for 10 to be released? I think I've dragged this out for long enough I really just want to get it over with. I have A LOT of studying to do, I pretty much have to re teach myself each chapter. With that being said what is the best way I should go about this?

Thank you

I would still take it now - review review review your books and get familiar with them again and get the test done before you have to get all new books. Good Luck!!
If you mean the CPC exam, it's still just ICD-9 through the end of the year; no ICD-10 until January. However, the majority of the CPC is on CPT, not ICD-9. You need a 2015 HCPCS and a 2015 CPT -- There WILL be questions from the newest version of the CPT, answers you won't find in your 2014 book. The 2014 ICD-9 is fine; hasn't changed since 2012.
hi...i have a f/u question to this one. I'm scheduled to take my test in i'm wondering if i should get the 2016 cpt for that instead of the 2015. Thoughts? thanks!