If a pregnant patient presenting with cough and sneezing and is diagnosed with Allergic Rhinitis, what will be the ICD 9 code be?
Coders Notebook
The following tips will assist you in coding both the routine and complicated obstetrical patient.
1. Initial visit. This first visit is not part of the global package because the patient was diagnosed as being pregnant at this visit. If she had come in with a positive pregnancy test, this visit would have been the initial ob visit and part of the package. You will code the first visit using the E/M code 9920X, new patient encounter, linked to a diagnosis of 626.8, suppression of menstruation. Note: you cannot code 626.0, amenorrhea, because in order to use this code the patient must have had no period for three months, and this is only one missed period.
2. Non-antepartum visit. During her 21st week, Angela is seen for a UTI. This visit is outside the global and will be coded using the visit code 9921X, established patient encounter. The diagnosis code you use for this visit depends on whether the UTI is complicating pregnancy. If it is not (and only the physician can make this decision), you will code the visit as 599.0, UTI, and V22.2, pregnancy incidental. If the UTI is complicating the pregnancy, code the diagnosis as 646.63, GU infection in pregnancy.