Wiki ICD-9-cm discrepancy


Lenhartsville, PA
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I purchased the 2015 ICD-9-CM book published by the AAPC and am finding many errors. Where can I find the errata for this? I am preparing for the exam, only on Chapter 4 and very disappointed in the book. For example, Section I. Conventions, general coding guidelines and chapter specific guidelines, the pages for each of these areas, most of them are wrong. The roman numerals are wrong A. Conventions for the ICD-9-CM are supposed to be on page 6, the roman number for page 6 is listed as li. Section C.1.a.2).(g) states at the end of the 2nd paragraph that the Codes from Chapter 15 always take sequencing priority. This section is referring to HIV infection in pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium, yet Chapter 15 according to the ICD-9-CM that the AAPC published, chapter 15 is Newborn (perinatal) guidelines. Yet the CPC training book indicates Chapter 11. I am ready to ask for my money back and purchase a more reliable version of the ICD-9-CM from another company and publisher. Lastly, I located what I think is the errata for the ICD-9-CM on the AAPC website, but the data never ever loads.:(
I would call AAPC. The issue seems to be with the training manual and not the ICD-9 book. I have 2 different versions and both refer back to chapter 15.