ICD-10 Z98.89 (??Highest number of digits???)

Carolyn CPB CPC

Local Chapter Officer
Mahopac, NY
Best answers
Looking to see if I can inquire about a more specific ICD10 to the Z98.89; getting claims rejected looking for highest number of digits. I have been using this DX for the year & suddenly are getting the rejections.
Icd-10 z98.89

As of Oct 1, 2016 yes this code now has 6 characters. You will need a 2017 book and you need your software updated.

Thank you for the reply; any chance you have the newest book with the listing of the additional details to this code for the interim period of getting the newest book?
It looks like the updated version is now Z98.890 according to the ICD10data.com website. I don't have the new book where I am working this morning, so that's the best I can do for you.

Tom Cheezum, O.D., CPC
CMS has the addendum files on their website so you dont need to wait for a new book.

Z98.89 was broken up into the following codes:

Code(s) Description
Z98.890 Other specified postprocedural states
Z98.891 History of uterine scar from previous surgery