Wiki ICD - 10 Status code

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Do we need to assign status code for all injury condition or only for injury with work camp insurance.

Sailaja BPT CPC
Looking at the I10 guidelines, i find it very interesting there is actually not national requirement for External cause codes. Some states or payers may have a requirement (Guideline I.C.20)

Even if they are not required its always good idea to report them and be specific as possible. It's very valuable for medical research and statistics. For example how may people have heart attacks when they are resting vs under exertion (I.C.20.a.1)

The following section talks about how to paint the complete picture


Use the full range of external cause codes to completely
describe the cause, the intent, the place of occurrence, and if
applicable, the activity of the patient at the time of the event, and
the patient?s status, for all injuries, and other health conditions
due to an external cause.
I am not sure we all have the same definition of status. I thought the poster was referring to the Z codes for status. I think they need to clarify the question.