Wiki Icd 10 productivity for outpateint


lacombe, LA
Best answers
Hi, I wanna know do anybody have a clue with the productivity should be for outpatient clinics for ICD-10...and icd 9 I was coding at 145 charts a day now that icd 10 is here I'm coding like 85 charts a day...My supervisior is saying I should be still coding 145 charts a day....CAN SOMEONE PLEASE HELP.....
i think you are doing great

Do you audit the codes that are already chosen by the MD, or start fresh and code from the office note? I work for a Dr's office that has ortho, podiatry, pain mgmt, and just recently a spine surgeon. With the E/M's before ICD10, I would assign the CPT and ICD9 codes to anywhere from 100-120 per day. Now I'm lucky if I get 50 done per day. Depending on the complexity and if I have to task the MD for info, it takes me anywhere from 5-20 min for each one.

I tried my best to prepare for ICD10...seminars, dual coding,practice at home, mapping... but that just wasn't enough. Things are so much harder and more time consuming than before.

Jamie, CPC-A
Orthopedic coder
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