Wiki Icd 10 - Our practice


Snow Hill, NC
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Our practice (of six Orthopaedic Surgeons) is still paper MR. Anybody else out there still not electronic? How are y'all preparing the physician's workflow for the ICD-10 shift in less than three months? Yikes! I'm getting overwhelmed!
ICD 10 prep

as a first step, you might want to look at your superbill and translate existing ICD-9CM codes to ICD-10CM. you do not have to learn all 70,000 ICD10 codes. Focus on the ones related to your practice.

contact your Fiscal Intermediary and ask what educational resources are
available to assist you. these are the folks who will be accepting/rejecting your claims and could impact your cash flow as of 10.1.15

contact the hospitals where your physicians do the majority of their cases and ask the Health Information Management Director for assistance. they would welcome your call and could assist you in educating your physicians.

most probably, the surgeons will be receiving a high volume of "physician queries" especially for orthopedic surgery from the hospital. the new coding system requires
the documentation of "laterality" - right or left. there are extensive codes for
implants and devices....I would definitely start with the hospital. your surgeons will need to learn to document with a higher level of specificity than ever before.

hope this helps you.