Wiki icd-10 o09.891 or o09.90


Memphis, TN
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according to supercoder and the AAPC coder, these dx can't be used as primary dx. We are now getting denials on this. Do anyone have any insight when to use or how to use the code
one is unspecified condition and unspecified trimester and the other is other specified condition and first trimester. As a diagnosis code they are allowed first listed except not for inpatient admission. They do not communicate any information other than the patient is pregnant. And the O09.90 says you do not know the trimester, but you know she is high risk but you don't know why. When you look at these from an information perspective it is easy to see why they would be denied.
If you use the O09.891 then you should indicate the condition that makes the patient high risk. However even with that it will not be allowed as as an admit diagnosis. The question is what did the provider document as the patient condition and were these inpatient admits or office visit encounters.