Wiki ICD 10 for Shoulder Grooving


Duluth, MN
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My physician just brought me an ASPS Plastic Surgery News article stating they should use M95.4 for shoulder grooving. What do you guys use? We had been using L98.9. :confused: Thank you for any input.

I'm not sure on using that code... Do you know which month that was published? I would like to read that. I don't have my coding books with me right now, but if you email me I can tell you what we use. I will say I would use the "other specified" which I think is L98.8.
I looked at all of the codes we report for our breast reduction patients and though our documentation states shoulder grooving (if the patient has it) we don't report it since I really don't find a dx code for it. Our most common codes would be the hypertrophy of the breast, pain in shoulders, back and neck pain, respiratory issues and always report BMI. That along with the notes will usually get us authorization for surgery.