Could someone please help clarify what ICD-10 codes to bill antepartum care only? I have a patient transferring out o state so I cannot bill her care globally. If I bill the code needed (59426) covering 7 visits which include all 3 trimesters I will have an crazy number of ICD-10 codes attached including which trimester and how many weeks. Am I missing something? Does anyone know the correct way to bill this situation. Any help will be appreciated.
Could someone please help clarify what ICD-10 codes to bill antepartum care only? I have a patient transferring out o state so I cannot bill her care globally. If I bill the code needed (59426) covering 7 visits which include all 3 trimesters I will have an crazy number of ICD-10 codes attached including which trimester and how many weeks. Am I missing something? Does anyone know the correct way to bill this situation. Any help will be appreciated.