Wiki ICD 10 Code for Preventative Service Order


Elgin, OK
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When a patient comes into our family practice for their annual exam we order a screening chest xray. We will use code Z13.83 for a screening and recently insurance companies are denying and stating that a screening diagnosis can not be used for a preventative service since August 31, 2016 per AMA. I have asked other offices and they are stumped too. So, what dx would be used for a screening chest xray if we can not use Z13.83?
Are you ordering the chest xray or performing it? You do not use the screening dx code when a service is ordered, you only code for it when it is performed.
Ok Then you do not code the screening dx code at all. the guidelines state that the screening Z codes are to be used only when the actual screening procedure is being performed. you do not code for ordering the procedure.