Wiki ICD-10-CM Proficiency Grade


Savannah Georgia Chapter
Best answers
Good morning,
I have a really quick question. I just took my exam and I have to say I am a little confused:confused:. I am not sure if I passed or not. When I look at my grade it says 64.00/75 and then underneath that it says 85.33%. Does that mean I passed or not? Also I do not see any place that gives you the ability to print out a certificate. If I passed would I see a place that would allow me to print a certificate? I still have one more try, but I do not want to retake if I do not have to. Any help would be much appreciated!!
Angela Perez, RHIT
pass or not pass

i just took the proficiency exam.. my status says "completed" and underneath it says "attempted score" 66 out of 75... what does that mean
I got a 91. It would be helpful if the test would give automatic feedback- not telling you the answers but telling you which section of the guidelines you need to refresh based on the ones you answered incorrectly. That is just my two cents.
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Proficiency Results

i just took the proficiency exam.. my status says "completed" and underneath it says "attempted score" 66 out of 75... what does that mean

You passed! Congradulations!! I freaked out a little when I did the exam, I didnt see in BIG letters PASS, wait a few hours and log back in and click your purchases and then the proficiency exam and it will open up and your certificate will be there and you can print it