Wiki Icd 10 cert exam


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Does anyone know if there is more than one version of the ICD 10 examination ? I have talked to two different people who have taken this at different times and the exams sound different.
yes just like the CPC. it's to prevent a whole group of people getting a conference room and doing the exam together. Also makes it so you cannot cheat by getting an answer sheet
LMCODER, are you talking about the ICD-10 Proficiency Assessment that all certified folks need to complete to keep active? Or are you talking about the certification exam to get certified in the first place?

The ICD-10 proficiency assessment is the same across the board for everyone. If you've taken a bootcamp live or done the online course, the Q & A are all the same. I did a live bootcamp early in 2014, before the last delay, and my booklet and answers are exactly the same as the 2015 version my co-workers just got. I just bought the assessment a couple weeks ago, and the answers were the same. Easy peasy, breezed right through it.

If you are talking about the certification exam, to become a CPC,etc., then yes, the exam is different for everyone. The test booklet you receive will usually be a different series, with different questions, than the person next to you at the next table taking the same credential. Also, last I checked, the exams will not switch to ICD-10 questions until Jan 2016.

Hope that helps, and best of luck!
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I have a simular question in regards to the same exam... I am scheduled to take my CPC on Nov 7th. I am told it will still be in ICD-9... however I will have untill Feb to take my I-10 Prof. assessment... question is... do I understand that if I do not pass the prof. assess. I WILL LOOSE my CPC basically just as fast as i achieved it??? Also, am I required to take a course PRIOR to the I-10 assess. test??
thank you for your input!!