Wiki ICD-10 AAPC Proficiency Exam

Phoenix, AZ
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Last evening I completed the ICD-10 proficiency exam. After I clicked "Grade" at the bottom of the test and clicked 'yes' after the 'are you sure you want to proceed to have your test graded,' the screen went blank (white) and I expected to see my grade displayed. Instead, the AAPC main log in screen appeared. I sent an email to AAPC and spoke with a customer service rep this morning who advised me it looks as though I didn't take the test and info was not received. He transferred me to the appropriate supervisor's voicemail. I am hoping APPC will not try to make this my issue. The customer service rep I spoke with advised me there are others who have had the same thing happen. This is unacceptable and I'm trusting AAPC will have their IT department successfully retrieve my submission. I will post again once I have spoken to the supervisor.