Wiki ICD-10 2015 vs 2016-Does anyone know


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Does anyone know if you can get by with ICD-10 2015 in the billing year of 2016 or ICD-10 2016 in the billing year of 2015? It seems silly to have my company purchase ICD-10 2015 for 3 months and then purchase ICD-10 2016 for the year of 2016.
The fiscal year for ICD starts OCt 1 of every year. There were no changes for OCt 1 for the 2016 year. If there were changes they would be effective Oct 1 and you would need a new book. However it was determined that there would be no changes for the Oct 1 code set. This was posted the last week of June. Now the HIPAA amendment allows there can be two updates a year, that would be April1 and Oct 1. So there could be a decision yet to implement new changes April 1 2016.