Wiki I see conflicting definitions of context, for the E-M service level

Sioux City, IA
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My E-M cheat sheet describes context as "is the pain worse when..."? So I used that understanding of context, and consequently did not count context in the history--the report doesn't list information about the pain changing. But my practicode rationale says the context of the injury is "while having her Depends changed." (Pt resided in a nursing home.) That's completely different. How do you define context?
Referring to 95/97 guidelines for the history component correct? Context is what was happening when the issue was first noticed or how the problem manifested since onset. It may not always be when the problem started but instead a subjective account of when it was detected.
Referring to 95/97 guidelines for the history component correct? Context is what was happening when the issue was first noticed or how the problem manifested since onset. It may not always be when the problem started but instead a subjective account of when it was detected.
Thanks. Yes, 95/97. Got it--"what was happening when the issue was first noticed or how the problem manifested since onset." "does the pain increase when..." is a question of how the problem manifests.