Wiki I passed!!!

Thats great!!!

Congrats!!!!!! Was this your first time? What'd you think of it, as far as difficulty of questions and time management?

I take mine in Nov. Im scared to death since I don't know what to expect.

So happy for you!!!
Elena, I wish I could say that I passed it on my first attempt. I didn't; missed it by 2%. :( I didn't manage my time very well. I finished too quickly because I wasn't paying attention to the time. There was no clock in the room. I was rushing.

Study but don't rush yourself through the exam. make sure you take your time and read the questions and procedure reports. Highlight (I didn't the entire 1st time) as you go through the procedure. I made a really dumb anatomy mistake on the 2nd time and didn't catch it until I was walking out to my car. Thankfully, I still passed.

Good luck to you!
Re: I passed

im retaking mine Saturday, there will probably be a third times the charm but always something to learn as part of the process..:eek:
Re: I passed!

it wasnt bad and i finished early i am hoping that is a good sign....fingers crossed. hard to tell, but I feel good about it pass or fail...
didn't pass but I came ten points higher this year than last and I never studied cuz who has time when we are working a ton of overtime? i'll take it again next year and third time is the charm...
didn't pass but I came ten points higher this year than last and I never studied cuz who has time when we are working a ton of overtime? i'll take it again next year and third time is the charm...

Great try! Don't give up, you can do it!
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Re: I passed!

thanks Jim gonna strike while its still fresh in my mind, review with dr z's webinar and when im ready sit for it again...I need ten points...if I got a 69 it would have made me feel worse...i'll probably ace it this time since I've been studying it for two years!;)