Wiki I passed!!!


Denham Springs, LA
Best answers
I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!

So happy for you...if you have any tips for me can you please email me?
Congratulation!!!! I will take the test on September and I am very nervous. Appreciate if you give me some tips, my email is I cant wait to take the test .

I will take my certification test on Sept. 21, 2013 that will be my sons 16th Birthday I am super nervous but also very confident for what I worked so hard for, all Congrats to you and best wishes WAY TO GO!!!!! This is Chiq R from Joliet. IL.
I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!

WOW thats awesome I have tried twice any suggestions
I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!
Please send the tips to me too !
I would really appriciate it.

And Gongratulations to you!:)

WOW thats awesome I have tried twice any suggestions
Well I am by no means an expert but one of the greatest tools I was given was time management and going through to answer the ones I was pretty sure I would get right. That can have it's drawbacks for some in terms of skipping around but it worked out well for me.

Next I went through and answered the shortest looking questions which didn't have a lot of longer answers and then I concentrated on the ones that were longer. I also narrowed down the choices of the multiple choice answers and those that just looked like they did not belong I "threw out" and concentrated on the ones remaining.

Just breathe and focus. No distractions. No idle chatter beforehand. Come in prepared to conquer it and believe that you can do it! It's passable....YOU CAN DO IT! :)
I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!

Way to Go!

I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!

Congratulations. Your hard work paid off. I am scheduled to take the exam on the 8th of August. getting a littel nervous.
I just wanted to send out this note that I passed my CPC exam taken on July 13th! I had a lot of AAPC folks come on and offer helpful advice and it was very much appreciated. I was very nervous b/c I had some people in the room who had taken the exam 6 or 7 times and it was my 1st.

But I am now happy to say that that hurdle is down and a big THANK YOU for all members who supported me!

congrats! I passed my exam in May and was thrilled that I did on the first time! Best of luck!:)
Congratulations!!!! I will be taking the CPC exam on Aug. 24th, I am very nervous! Would you have any advice on what to focus more on? IF you would not mind sending to me in my email at any attachments how you noted your books and the tab layout of your books. I am a nervous wreck and now I am becoming unorganized. Please any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you :)