Wiki I passed my CPC exam for 6/18/11!!!

Congratulations...where did you take the exam? I took one that day too and am still waiting for the results...hmmm...maybe that isn't a good sign.
cpc exam

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am taking it next saturday and am a nervous wreck. Took a lot of practice tests and scored ok on them but, I have di this for 12 years still I hate tests.

Don't worry too much if someone who took the test the same day as you has their results already. It all depends on when (what time) the proctor dropped them off at FedEx and what state they have have to travel from. It doesn't mean you did not do well :)

Kris Felty, CPC, CCC
Thats awesome. It is a hard test worth it. I agree with the others don't worry about time it takes to get score. I took test with coworker and she got her results 3 days before me. You'll do fine.
I took it in Houston on Saturday and I used the practice tests plus the study guide but I have also been working for about 5 years in billing and coding. Thanks everyone for their congrats!!!
Thats great I hope I get the same good news. I took my test this saturday as well but the results are still pending.