Wiki I need help in coding pls.... Peripheral Angiography


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The patient was brought to the catheterization lab and prepped and draped in a
sterile fashion. Lidocaine was placed to the left common femoral area. A 6
French sheath was placed to the left common femoral artery using Seldinguer
technique. Next angiography of the groin site and down the left leg was
performed. Next a LIMA catheter was used over a Glidewire to be placed to the
right common femoral artery. Angiography down the right leg was performed.

At this point Glidewire was replaced into the mid SFA. Lima Catheter was re-
moved. The short sheath was removed, and a 6-French Ansel sheath was
placed to the level of the right common femoral artery. Glidewire was used to
cross over the distal SFA lesion, and then a Glide catheter was placed distally.
Glidewire was removed. Angiography of the infrapopliteal vessels to confirm
intraluminal placement as well as distal flow was performed via the Glide ca-
theter, which was placed at the level of the popliteal artery.

The atherectomy Viper wire was placed into the anterior tibial artery. The Glide
catheter was removed. The atherectomy device was prepped in a standard
fashion and placed at the level of the distal SFA. Multiple runs were performed
at 60, then followed by a polishing run at 90. Catheter was removed. Angio-
graphy was performed.

At this point dilatation was performed with a 5.0 X 80 Fox plus balloon to 12
atmosphere. The balloon was removed. There was still greater than 30%
residual stenosis and haziness of the heavily calcified segment. Thus, stenting
was performed with a 6.0 X 100 Absolute Pro stent used 5.0 post dialtion up to
16 atmospheres. Next angiography was performed,showing good flow through-
out the entire SFA, less than 10% residual stenosis of the stented segment, and
continued 3 vessel runoff in the foot. Wire was removed. Ansel sheath was
brought to the left externel iliac. Then Angio-Seal was deployed. The procedure
was performed under heparin.

The patient tolerated the procedure well and remains hemodynamically stable.
There was good groin hemostasis and no evidence of oozing, bruising or

1) Bilateral iliac arteries are widely patent.
2) In the right system, the external iliac and common femoral artery are widely
patent. The SFA is widely patent until it gets to the distal segment at
approximately the level of the Hunter's canal, where there is 80% heavily
calcified disease. Status post atherectomy and PTA revealed greater than
30% residual stenosis and some haziness concerning for dissection.Thus,
stenting was performed with a 6 X 100 Absolute Pro stent and post dilation
now revealing less than 10% residual stenosis and aggressive normal flow
through the vessel. In the popliteal and infrapopliteal segments, these were
all widely patent with 3-vessel runoff.
3) On the left system, the left common femoral artery, SFA, popliteal and the
initial portion of the infrapopliteal vessels are all widely patent and correlate
with a normal ultrasound of the left system.

Post Procedure: The patient tolerated the procedure well, remains hemodyna-
mically stable and is asymptomatic. The patient has significantly improved flow
We will need to closely follow on medical therapy. We will institute Plavix at this

Thank you very much in advance.
The patient was brought to the catheterization lab and prepped and draped in a
sterile fashion. Lidocaine was placed to the left common femoral area. A 6
French sheath was placed to the left common femoral artery using Seldinguer
technique. Next angiography of the groin site and down the left leg was
performed. Next a LIMA catheter was used over a Glidewire to be placed to the
right common femoral artery. Angiography down the right leg was performed.

At this point Glidewire was replaced into the mid SFA. Lima Catheter was re-
moved. The short sheath was removed, and a 6-French Ansel sheath was
placed to the level of the right common femoral artery. Glidewire was used to
cross over the distal SFA lesion, and then a Glide catheter was placed distally.
Glidewire was removed. Angiography of the infrapopliteal vessels to confirm
intraluminal placement as well as distal flow was performed via the Glide ca-
theter, which was placed at the level of the popliteal artery.

The atherectomy Viper wire was placed into the anterior tibial artery. The Glide
catheter was removed. The atherectomy device was prepped in a standard
fashion and placed at the level of the distal SFA. Multiple runs were performed
at 60, then followed by a polishing run at 90. Catheter was removed. Angio-
graphy was performed.

At this point dilatation was performed with a 5.0 X 80 Fox plus balloon to 12
atmosphere. The balloon was removed. There was still greater than 30%
residual stenosis and haziness of the heavily calcified segment. Thus, stenting
was performed with a 6.0 X 100 Absolute Pro stent used 5.0 post dialtion up to
16 atmospheres. Next angiography was performed,showing good flow through-
out the entire SFA, less than 10% residual stenosis of the stented segment, and
continued 3 vessel runoff in the foot. Wire was removed. Ansel sheath was
brought to the left externel iliac. Then Angio-Seal was deployed. The procedure
was performed under heparin.

The patient tolerated the procedure well and remains hemodynamically stable.
There was good groin hemostasis and no evidence of oozing, bruising or

1) Bilateral iliac arteries are widely patent.
2) In the right system, the external iliac and common femoral artery are widely
patent. The SFA is widely patent until it gets to the distal segment at
approximately the level of the Hunter's canal, where there is 80% heavily
calcified disease. Status post atherectomy and PTA revealed greater than
30% residual stenosis and some haziness concerning for dissection.Thus,
stenting was performed with a 6 X 100 Absolute Pro stent and post dilation
now revealing less than 10% residual stenosis and aggressive normal flow
through the vessel. In the popliteal and infrapopliteal segments, these were
all widely patent with 3-vessel runoff.
3) On the left system, the left common femoral artery, SFA, popliteal and the
initial portion of the infrapopliteal vessels are all widely patent and correlate
with a normal ultrasound of the left system.

Post Procedure: The patient tolerated the procedure well, remains hemodyna-
mically stable and is asymptomatic. The patient has significantly improved flow
We will need to closely follow on medical therapy. We will institute Plavix at this

Thank you very much in advance.

You have 75716, 37227-rt
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC
Thank you very much, Mr. Pawloski. I really appreciate your help.
I am new at coding peripheral angiography and it's been really quite a challenge. Can you please give me some tips how to clearly understand coding peripheral angiography procedures. I have been reading the guidelines but it is still confusing me. Maybe there is an easier way to understand it.

Thank you once again.