Wiki I need a job! Getting fed up!


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I am getting desperate for a job! I graduated last June, still can't find anyone willing to take a "NEWBIE" under their wing to help them learn this profession called Medical Coding. What does a person have to do to become gainfully employed in this field? When I apply for jobs I get the same old **** from these people "you don't have enough experience" well how does on get any if no one will hire them? I recently relocated to the Phoenix Arizona area in hopes to find a job there because it was larger than Indianapolis, where I couldn't find a job either! I am at the end of my rope and getting ready to throw in the towel!
I am $20,000 in debt to get a degree/certification in a field that seems to need people to fill positions where no one will hire ya if you don't have 2-5 years experience. What's a person to do? PLEASE HELP!
R. Michelle Jackman, CPC-A
I am in the same boat and the ship is sinking fast!!!! Thousands of dollars in debt from student loans for education. Catch 22 ----graduated, obtained certification, not getting hired because I don't have 3-5 years experience. How does one obtain experience beyond internship if no one will hire?
Getting the experience

I don't know what I can possibly tell you that can help but I can relate in a way. I am certified with 5 years experience but now I want to get experience in a different specialty but no one wants to give me a chance. It is frustrating and I thought I had a easier shot but I guess not. My only guess is maybe trying to get into an environment where it is possible learn other specialties or move up. I even considered working in a hospital doing registration or front desk just in the hopes of maybe since I already work for the hospital the other departments within can train me so I can get hospital coding experience. However since I have only the CPC certification I think that if I have the CPC-H maybe I will get a chance but I won't know until I try.:)

Phillippians 4:6 always helps me!

I understand what you all are saying. I am in the same boat but I suggest volunteering at a local hostpital or doctors office. I currently volunteer at a dental office and this dentist knows a lot of people. Also, I strongly suggest that you put your name out there via Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and other sources. Do not forget about word of mouth!!! It is a very powerful and useful tool in any job search. I hope this helps. :)
I have read this same scenario over and over on this AAPC forum....the inability to find a job without any experience. I just graduated in May with an Associate Degree in Medical Office Technology and I am now in the process of taking the CPC-H prep course through AAPC. I will finish because I don't like to quit anything (plus it was very expensive). I will hopefully pass the exam this summer and gain my certification, but I do not have high hopes of finding a coding job. What a shame.
Coding Jobs response

Greetings to the above discouraged coders. There is nothing that can stop the pattern of bad behavior of going to school graduating and finding out your not going anywhere fast in the coding business. your paying on student loans that you can't even get a job in the field of.
basically they the school /Instructors set you up for failure for unless one is given a chance how can one become a great confident coder.
For years now I have perfected my credentials just to be told that if your not licensed then you won't be hired.
Until I read Theses post I thought I was the only one that keep hitting stone walls.
People I have gone to school with have dropped the field of coding and moved onto another line of work. That speaks volumes. I want to be a licensed coder so bad but can't find a mentor to get me prepared for the Test.
Wish I had better things to say but I truly am discouraged like the rest of you. The AAPC should remedy that as they pride themselves as being the next great thing along with AHIMA!
No coding job

I have to agree with every one of you. I passes my CPC exam in Sept 2012. I was working part time with a billing company, however, I no longer work there because my hours were cut back drastically and not enough work to keep me busy. I do have at least 18 months experience coding and billing, I still can't find a job. I live in Georgia where a high demand in coders is supposed to be. What a joke. I am also in debt from student loans taking the billing and coding class. How am I supposed to pack it back with no job. I'm registered with my local dept of labor, but still no luck.
I have been in the medical field for more than 30 years. I got my certification about 10 years ago just because everyone was saying you will need to be certified to keep your job. I suggest you seek out your local Hospice or Hospital that will let you apprentice on Saturdays while you work any full time job to help pay the bills. Or, when applying for a position, offer to work for minimum wage for the first 90 days and if they are not happy with your performance then you will move on but get your foot in the door. Try just getting insurance verification positions or receptionist positions. I was a billing manager at one point and did hire directly out of school coders. They do things the way you want them to, not the way they used to do it at their other job. Don't give up. There are jobs out there. Just get your foot in the proverbial medical office door as anything for which they are hiring.
Do not give up!!!

When I started coding 8 years ago, it took me a year to get my first coding job. But in the meantime, I worked as a Front Desk person in an rheumatology practice. My first job in coding was charge entry and coding ER records. I was on 100% review for only two weeks and then I was on my own.

I am now a Compliance Specilist for a major hospital system and the new coders come to me for help and advice.

You may have to take something that is not coding but in the medical field until something comes along. If you live near a military base that has a hospital or clinic on it, call or go there to see if they have contractors. I worked for the military for many years. Check with BCBS, Cigna if they are in your area, they use coders to review claims.

But most of all, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!
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I took a coding course through a local adult education program and was certified in June. I have worked in a convenience store since I graduated high school and I was hired by Verisk Health last week with no hands on experience at all.
My advice, keep looking, don't get discouraged, and go to your local chaper meetings and network there. My chapter was instrumental in finding my job and that was my first meeting. Also, don't turn down a part time or as needed position. It might not be ideal but it gets you that much closer!