Wiki I got a job in billing :)


Millers Falls, MA
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I did my CPC exam in Dec. 2012** and passed...and have been looking since. I was at the point of thinking I couldn't keep up with the expenses of the books, courses, etc. and thought just get a job in a larger company and work way up.

The new job I will be starting in March is a billing position which required more of an accounting background, which for me, is stronger than my coding knowledge. THEY stressed keeping up with ICD-10 and classes etc.

I did tell interveiwers that I was billing for a DC (like 7 codes total) and didnt overplay my abilities, and it all worked out...

I am excited and am very PROUD to be an AAPC CPC-A!! It is a never ending learning 'battle', but hey, who doesn't love a good challenge! ;) After all, isn't that what coding is?

CORRECTION: Got cpc-a in dec .11 (not 2012)
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You are one lucky new employee!! Working billing is an invaluable asset to a coder---In my opinion even more valuable with this set of skills than without. They are mutually complimentary and I can't tell you how much my coding capabilities benefited from the billing experience!!! It's a great way to start and you'll not regret it one bit....