Wiki I don't do ASC but...

Modesto, CA; Central Valley Chapter
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I don't do ASC coding reviewing surgeons coding I am finding that some of our ASC coders are using injury codes when the issue was not due to an injury. Such as a medial meniscus tear, so for the surgeon I am getting 717.3; however they are using the injury code and NO where does it say this is an injury.

Does dx coding for ASCs follow the same rules as physicians - in that you use the injury codes only for current injuries?

We use the 7xxx codes, the patient fills out an accident form and that indicates if it was due to injury, with details and date of injury. The guidelines at the ASC I work for state that it is current (8xxx codes) if it is within 30 days of treatment/surgery. (The last billing service I worked for considered them current if within 90 days.)
We use 90 days. I've seen 6 months used by some facilities as well. No one using this forum has been able to come up with official guidelines for this issue, so I'd just be consistent and query the doctor when acute/chronic is not clear.