Wiki I do not like home health coding


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Have been doing home health coding for a month now and i absolutely hate it. Although
i am truly blessed to have had an opportunity to work at a place like this i am just not happy. If there is anyone out there in the el paso tx area looking for a coder please message me back. Or if there are any positions available for work at home coders please contact me. Till then i am just gonna have to suck it up and do my best to stay positive.

You appear very frustrated with your position. Are there any opportunities for training that might help with a better understanding of what you are doing? Have you contacted insurance carriers for assistance?
Oh, and here's something else that may be helpful. Other than the medical specialty coding website I provided, you may also want to try Ingenix website, they have Coding manuals specific to Home Health Coding as well. I hope this helps also!!