Wiki I&D?


True Blue
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Can I get help on a CPT for the following procedure?

Patient presents with second degree burns to hand.

Procedure: With sterile 16 g needle, opened 3 of the large fluid filled blisters and a straw colored fluid drained. Triple antibiotic was placed and hand wrapped in gauze.

Would this be considered an I&D at 10060 or a puncture aspiration at 10160?

Thank you for any help.
Can I get help on a CPT for the following procedure?

Patient presents with second degree burns to hand.

Procedure: With sterile 16 g needle, opened 3 of the large fluid filled blisters and a straw colored fluid drained. Triple antibiotic was placed and hand wrapped in gauze.

Would this be considered an I&D at 10060 or a puncture aspiration at 10160?

Thank you for any help.

I will go ahead with 10160 Puncture aspiration of abscess, hematoma, bulla, or cyst . Bcoz burn will lead to bulla, which can be treat by puncturing the bulla; incision wont be need,
NOT an I&D or Aspiration

I will go ahead with 10160 Puncture aspiration of abscess, hematoma, bulla, or cyst . Bcoz burn will lead to bulla, which can be treat by puncturing the bulla; incision wont be need,

You cannot code a procedure because a current condition MIGHT lead to a different, more serious condition. You code what was actually performed. This is a burn treatment, pure and simple.

Hope that helps.

F Tessa Bartels, CPC, CEMC