Wiki I & D of wound


Champaign, IL
Best answers
Pt. comes into the ED with a dx of leg wound.

Exam: Warm and dry. Patient has a 1 cm area of erythema and mild fluctuance over the left shin with eschar.

Px: Patient does have a 1 cm area erythema and fluctuance over The shin however after cleansing the area with alcohol swab and injecting with 2 mL's of 1% lidocaine an 11 blade scalpel was used to make a small incision and only had bloody output which was sent for culture.

Can I code CPT 10060 even though the dx is leg wound?

Pt. comes into the ED with a dx of leg wound.

Exam: Warm and dry. Patient has a 1 cm area of erythema and mild fluctuance over the left shin with eschar.

Px: Patient does have a 1 cm area erythema and fluctuance over The shin however after cleansing the area with alcohol swab and injecting with 2 mL's of 1% lidocaine an 11 blade scalpel was used to make a small incision and only had bloody output which was sent for culture.

Can I code CPT 10060 even though the dx is leg wound?


I'd be more inclined to go with 10140 Incision and drainage of hematoma, seroma or fluid collection based on the description of the wound (particularly the mild fluctuance and the presence of eschar) and the fact that the drainage resulted in only blood (fluid).