Wiki I&D done by 1 doctor and f/u done by another


Fort Wayne, IN
Best answers
I have a question: Patient was seen by another physician because her doctor was out on vacation she I&D a abscess, the patient came back into the office for a follow-up visit with her own doctor 8 days later. I know the global time period is 10 days for an I&D, but my question is if she saw a different doctor, could that doctor charge for the follow-up visit? Or is any follow-up within the global period a no charge for any physician in the family practice group?
If they are in the same group with the same Tax ID number, they cannot bill for a follow-up even though seen by a different provider in that group.
Since it is in the same Practice Group, I do believe that the OV for the follow up will be bundled with the global fee. The physician who did the follow up care, in your case, can not bill.

Per CMS and the MLN: When different physicians in a group practice participate in the care of the patient, the group practice bills for the entire global package if the physicians reassign benefits to the group. The physician who performs the surgery is reported as the performing physician.

Hope this helps.

Stacy, CFPC