Wiki Hysteroscopy, D&C and Thermoablation

Praveen Ravi

Abu Dhabi, UAE
Best answers
:confused: Can anyone help me with this...

" The hysteroscope was inserted after the patient's cervix was appropriately dilated. The hysteroscope noted proliferative phase endometrium. The uterine fundus was identified. Bilateral tubal Ostia were also seen. The hysteroscope was then removed, and a gentle curetting was performed until a gritty texture was noted in all four quadrants. These curretings were sent to pathology. Then, the thermachoice balloon was primed and inserted into the uterine cavity. Approximately 11ml of D5w fluid was used to attain a pressure of 160mmhg. At this point the test phase was performed and then passed, and the fluid was heated to 87 degree Celsius, and then the 8 minute cycle began and completed without any problems. At the end of cycle, the fluid was withdrawn and the thermachoice balloon was removed under visualization. No bleeding was noted. The weighed speculum was taken out....."

I coded as ----

since the hysteroscope is withdrawn then D&C and ablation is performed :eek:

Am I correct or I should take a combined code for hysteroscopy and thermal ablation (58563) :rolleyes: