My physician was called in to assist with a hysterectomy for placenta previa after an emergency C-section when the OBGYN could not get the hemorrhage to stop bleeding. Uterus including cervix and both fallopian tubes were removed. The obvious code would be 59525, but he was not there for the C-Section so I cannot use it. I'm waiting for a call back from the OBGYN's office, but I'm assuming that will be the code they used.
Coding suggestions?
My physician was called in to assist with a hysterectomy for placenta previa after an emergency C-section when the OBGYN could not get the hemorrhage to stop bleeding. Uterus including cervix and both fallopian tubes were removed. The obvious code would be 59525, but he was not there for the C-Section so I cannot use it. I'm waiting for a call back from the OBGYN's office, but I'm assuming that will be the code they used.
Coding suggestions?