Jamie Dezenzo
True Blue
Hysterscope D&C done
NovaSure was placed into the uterine cavity and was unable to get the array to open completely. This was unsuccessful and device was removed.
Then Thermachoice balloon was obtained and the was attempted muliple times as well which malfunctioned. Felt that these difficulties were related to the samll architectore fo her uterus.
Would this still be billed 58563-74 bundling 58558 or just 58558? Attempted vs discontinued gets me EVERYTIME!
Hysterscope D&C done
NovaSure was placed into the uterine cavity and was unable to get the array to open completely. This was unsuccessful and device was removed.
Then Thermachoice balloon was obtained and the was attempted muliple times as well which malfunctioned. Felt that these difficulties were related to the samll architectore fo her uterus.
Would this still be billed 58563-74 bundling 58558 or just 58558? Attempted vs discontinued gets me EVERYTIME!