Wiki Hypertensive CKD and DM with renal


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Pt has DM2 with renal manifestations: diabetic CKD3. Pt also has hypertension.
We would be capturing 250.40, 585.3, and how do we capture the HTN? 401.1 HTN or 403.0 Hypertensive CKD?
My understanding is anytime there is HTN and CKD we are to use the 403.0 code?
Any help is appreciated on this one.
Ok - to clarify further... the physician does not have to state any relationship between the HTN and CKD? He stated the CKD was diabetic CKD and the patient has hypertension. We can just go ahead and capture the 403.90 code hypertensive CKD?
No, your Doctor does not need to state a relationship, The source for this is the Coding Clinic although I do not have the official statement to give you.
Clarification: The ICD-9 book states that it is a "presumed cause and effect relationship".