Jebas G Arun
Please look into this scenario,
A Patient that has benign hypertnsion with congestive heart failure is coded as
a) 402.11, 428.0
b) 404.11
c) 401.1, 428.0
d) 428.0, 402.11
This question is in AAPC 2011 model question. AAPC anwer key states that option (a) is the correct answer. I do not agree with this, when no causal relationship has been established we should go with option (c). A clarification from an expert would be helpful.
A Patient that has benign hypertnsion with congestive heart failure is coded as
a) 402.11, 428.0
b) 404.11
c) 401.1, 428.0
d) 428.0, 402.11
This question is in AAPC 2011 model question. AAPC anwer key states that option (a) is the correct answer. I do not agree with this, when no causal relationship has been established we should go with option (c). A clarification from an expert would be helpful.