Wiki Hypertension vs Diastolic Heart Failure

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Doctor reported the patient had hypertension and Diastolic Heart Failure.. can I assume heart failure is due to hypertension and use code 402.91 ? And if I can use this code do I also need to code hypertension unspecified 401.9 or is in included.

What is the code for ventricular dysfunction when hypertension is not involved and when it is involved??

Thank you.
Hypertensive heart disease (402.-) must be a stated relationship by the provider and can never be assumed by the coder. It can be documented as "hypertensive heart disease" or a heart disease due to hypertension" but hypertension and heart disease is not causal and is coded separate.
The code for ventricular dysfunction is 429.9. However, if the documentation states HTN (401.9) and Diastolic HF (428.30), you should code what's documented. You cannot assume a casual relationship between HTN and HF.