Wiki Hyperlipidemia

272.1 is hyperglyceridemia, I looked it up and posted the definition below. If he documeted HL which is hyperlipidemia abbreviated, I would feel comfortable using 272.4 = unspecified hyperlipidema, but I would not use 272.1 without verifying with the doctor that this is actually what the patient has.

Etymology: Gk, hyper, glykys + haima, blood
an excess of glycerides, particularly triglycerides, in the blood. It is caused by a congenital defect in the ability to metabolize the amino acid glycine.
Mosby's Medical Dictionary, 8th edition. © 2009, Elsevier.
272.4 definition indicates elevated cholesterol and triglycerides. I would use this code only for HL. If provider states hypertriglyceridemia, then use 272.1. You could use both if you have that statement, otherwise 272.4 is good enough :)