Wiki Hydration vs Therapeutic Infusion


Appling, GA
Best answers
In the CPT book, hydration is described as an IV infusion to consist of a pre-packaged fluid and electrolytes (eg, normal saline, D5-1/2 normal saline+30mEq KCl/liter).......

1. We purchase normal saline bags, adding potassium. It is cheaper for our practice to do so. I think the clinical coordinator and I are thinking too hard about this but wondering if that is still considered to be pre-packaged fluids and electrolytes? Would we stick with billing 96360 or would the 96365 need to be billed since technically it was not pre-packaged this way and shipped to our office.

2. What if we add magnesium as well? Would we bill hydration admin codes or infusion codes?

I know we are making this harder than it needs to be........
Where I work it if the patient has hypokalemia, then we would charge the KCL as a therapeutic drug, if not we charge as a hydration.