Wiki Hydration - should this be coded??


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magnesium and potassium running concurrently with each other. They are
administrated to offset the toxcity of cisplatin.

magnesium sulfate 10:10 - 12:10
potassium 10:10 - 12:10
Cisplatin 12:30 - 1:30

Since both the magnesium and the potassium are considered hydration, how should this
be coded?? Thank you!
In our infusion center, we code it as a hydration. 96413 for the chemo and 96361 x2 for the magnesium and potassium. I have seen people who do it the other way. This decision was made after talking with the physicians and getting an understanding on what it is given for. It truly is a hydration. But...this is one of those things with many differing opinions.
We would code just like Shelly. 96361x2 and 96413

Although, we currently code this way, I often wonder if the mag and pot are added in the office to the saline (normally it is mixed in office and not prepackaged), is it considered hydration? (The hydration guidelines state 'pre-packaged fluid and electrolytes'). Or should this be coded as 96367 and 96366 since it is not 'pre-packaged'?

