Wiki Hydration given pre and post


Livingston, LA
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If hydration is given pre and post chemo at a time for under 31min each, do I add the time and NS together to bill it as 1 hr or am I not allowed to bill for it at all?

Hydration pre-given 27min, 250cc NS
Hydration post-given 28min, 250cc NS

Add 27+28min=55min bill for 1hr hydration
Add 250+250cc NS=500cc NS for J7040

Or am I not allowed to add the times and NS togeher bc they are both under 31 min?

I was taught that if NS was given on same DOS, at different times to add it all together and bill accordingly. Now I am second guessing this info. Please help.

Thank you!!
Thank you. After thinking about it, I started to second guess what I was taught and it didn't make since. Feels comforting to know my brain is somewhat headed in the right direction when it comes to chemo/infusion.
no, infusions times must be continuous

What if pre- and post- infusions running continuously for one hour each ? We see it with platinum regiments and subsequently bill 96361 x 2?

If it is incorrect, please, provide the link to a reference that states so. Thank you
If they run run for one hour each, then they are 2 separate infusions with 2 separate start and stop times you would not bill 96361 with 2 units. without the complete documetation it is hard to tell exctly how it would be done. As far as documentation look at the infusion rules.
I am now rethinking everything I have been taught about hydration. We have billed pre and post hydration as 96361 since it is subsequent to the primary chemotherapy. I was also taught that if we have 1000ml that runs concurrent to the chemotherapy that it may be billed seperately as long as it runs for 31 continuous minutes without the chemo or therapeutic infusion. I am now wondering if this is incorrect.

Thank you
hydration is billed subsequent to the chemo but it must be 31 minutes of continuous infusion. concurrent hydration cannot be billed.
but if it is less than 31 minutes continuous then it is not billable
If they run run for one hour each, then they are 2 separate infusions with 2 separate start and stop times you would not bill 96361 with 2 units. without the complete documetation it is hard to tell exctly how it would be done. As far as documentation look at the infusion rules.

They are 2 separate 1-hour continuous infusions with 2 separate documented start and stop times. Therefore, 96361 x 2 is justified and billable. Is it not?