Wiki Hydration Drug Charges

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There has been a difference in opinion when coding hydration times in our office. One person says that, for example, if a patient had a bag running from 6 PM to 12:30 AM into the next day that they still add the times together and charge for that 30 minutes into the previous day time. Another person believes they charge by the day and would charge 6 hours for the first day and 0 for the next day since it didn't run over 31 minutes. We need clarification on which one we should all be doing!
Thank you!
Per CPT, "For continuous services that last beyond midnight, use the date in which the service began and report the total units of time provided continuously."
Do you know where it says that? I read the sections before the hydration codes but am not seeing where it says that and I didn't see it at the beginning of the chapter either. I wanted to be able to show where it says that. Thank you!
Oh my goodness. How did I miss that?? I read that section 3 times LOL must have skipped over the example they were giving thinking it wouldn't contain the information I was looking for. I was wrong lol

Once again, THANK YOU