Wiki Hydration and IV Infusion


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I need some help in knowing the proper way to code if a patient comes in for hydration and then has to be given medication through IV push for nausea?
The administration code for the push would supercede the hydration. If the push is non-chemo you would code the non-chemo drug plus 96374(initial push) then hydration drug plus 96361(admin code)
It is most important to know who/where the service is being rendered. If in a facility then, the push would be first/initial. But, if performed in a physician's office/clinic, then the "key or primary reason for the encounter" is reported first, which would be the hydration. The guidelines in the CPT codebook spell out the sequencing order.
We perform ours in a physician office. According to CPT, that would make the hydration the initial if that is the main reason they came in. So if you billed the 96360 for the hydration then what would you bill for the IV Push?