Wiki Hydration add-on 96361 in ED and carried over to OBS or Inpatient


Hondo, TX
Best answers
I am not a coder but need guidance please. We are getting denied on our claims because the OBS or Inpatient claim as the 96361 but does not have an initial billed because hydration started in ED and therefore was billed on ED claim.
I read a few threads and not sure i am reading them correctly so want to follow-up.

If the Hydration started in the ED, we bill the initial in the ED. If they are admitted to OBS or Inpatient, this starts the coding over and the Initial should be billed again? Am I understanding that correctly? And if I am, what if it is the same DOS? Will that matter?
Any coders that can help me out with this one would be greatly appreciated.
Not experienced coder here but once the initial is billed, that's it because it includes the IV set and the work of the venipuncture. If hydration is continued in OBS/IP, the fluids can be billed and any IV restart billed as needed. Just my opinion.
there are specific rules that apply to OBS accounts. per organization policy but, you can bill accounts from Ed to OBS with the G 0378 code and only one initial med administration charge which will carry from ED to OBS stay. unless, there were 2 IV sites established (per medical necessity) then you can charge for 2 initials.