Wiki HTN code


True Blue
Bellerose, NY
Best answers
patient comes in for BP check and doctor writes only the #s. 144/XX etc.,

what is the best code to use. I would like to use V71.89 because doctor doesn't write elevated BP or HTN to code. Any suggestions welcome

thank you
What about 796.2 Elevated blood pressure reading without diagnosis of hypertension

Laura, CPC, CEMC
Doctor doesn't write elevated BP. Can I assume Elevated BP?? I am not sure.I don't want to bill with a doubt

I will wait for your reply

thank you Laura
I would go back to the provider and ask for them to amend the note to reflect an more of a dx. If the patient is coming in for a BP check they either have an establihed problem or suspected problem.

With the provider not stating HTN it probably hasn't been diagnosed yet but we don't know that for sure based on this one note.

I think I thought too much into it the first time I looked at it and based my answer on what happens in my offices. Generally when a patient with established HTN comes in for a BP check that is the chief complaint "BP check HTN" when they have not dx HTN but are getting a high reading they have them come back for another "BP check" which is when we use the 796.2 if the reading is high but they are not formally given the dx of HTN.

Hope this is a little more helpful,

Laura, CPC, CEMC
Thank you once again for your time and patience.

When I read previous notes for these patients all of them diagnosed with HTN.
But,I think each notes (date of service) should stand alone for that particular date of service.In these cases (nusing visit becomes provider visit with only Assessment& plan)both of them writes only the BP#s and other instructions (medicine adjustment, lifestyle modification etc.,)

Thank you
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