Wiki HSA pymnt on billed services.

Anchorage, AK
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Pt has an HSA account thru primary carrier... Claim was applied towards deductible. Pt has Secondary coverage. Primary Carrier HSA came and paid in full. The question is.. Do I bill secondary ? and if secondary makes any payment does the refund go back to HSA or patient
The patients primary carrier applied the balance to the deductible, but the patient used their health savings account to pay on the deductible. But it sounds like now you have determined that the patient has a secondary carrier. So what do you do?

At this point the next step would be up to the patient. I would suggest calling them and stating "I see that you covered the deductible with your HSA account, but I noticed that you have a secondary carrier that was not billed yet. Would you prefer to continue to cover the deductible with your HSA or would you like us to attempt to bill the secondary?" We are not required to bill the insurance carriers and the patient always has the option of using or not using their coverage.

Sometimes a patient will use there HSA accounts as the monies are expiring or the secondary carrier will not cover the services, etc. When in doubt ask. If the patient does determine that they would like the secondary billed then go ahead and send the crossover. If monies are due for a refund a good rule of thumb is to return the monies the same way they were paid. If it was paid through the HSA by a debit card, then attempt to refund the monies by the same avenue.
If a patient has dual coverage they need to contact their HSA provider (possibly healthplan) and have them turn off crossover.
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Very awesome, thank you....... I've been doing this now prit near 21 years and i still learn something new everyday !!1 And this was my exact course of action !!!
Very awesome, thank you....... I've been doing this now prit near 21 years and i still learn something new everyday !!1 And this was my exact course of action !!!

Yea late last year I had been wondering why i wasn't being charged for my deductible at the pharmacy. It was my first time using the new insurance and HSA admin. I looked at my account and I had been auto opted in to crossover. I turned it off right away.