Wiki HPI opinions


Shirley, MA
Best answers
Following is an HPI that came across my desk this morning. I'd like some opinions on whether you would code this as a brief or an extended HPI.

"HPI: This is a 55 year old male who:
has a family history of non-melanoma skin cancer, and is here for a skin check.
The patient is being monitored for the development of new lesions.
1. comes in for a chief complaint of a skin lesion, located on the right hand. The
lesion is new. The lesion has been present for 2 weeks. This lesion has not been
treated in the past. The patient presents today for: further evaluation and

Thanks in advance for your opinion.
Following is an HPI that came across my desk this morning. I'd like some opinions on whether you would code this as a brief or an extended HPI.

"HPI: This is a 55 year old male who:
has a family history of non-melanoma skin cancer, and is here for a skin check.
The patient is being monitored for the development of new lesions.
1. comes in for a chief complaint of a skin lesion, located on the right hand. The
lesion is new. The lesion has been present for 2 weeks. This lesion has not been
treated in the past. The patient presents today for: further evaluation and

Thanks in advance for your opinion.

I say brief - Location and Duration are present, but I don't see anything else. You might be able to justify Context, but it still doesn't give you enough for extended.
Following is an HPI that came across my desk this morning. I'd like some opinions on whether you would code this as a brief or an extended HPI.

"HPI: This is a 55 year old male who:
has a family history of non-melanoma skin cancer, and is here for a skin check.
The patient is being monitored for the development of new lesions.
1. comes in for a chief complaint of a skin lesion, located on the right hand. The
lesion is new. The lesion has been present for 2 weeks. This lesion has not been
treated in the past. The patient presents today for: further evaluation and

Thanks in advance for your opinion.

Would 'this lesion has not been treated in the past" allow modifying factors?
If allowing for the modifying factors, I still get three - modifying factors, location and duration. I wouldn't be comfortable with context - does family hx count as that?
If you wanted, you could probably count the family history as context. I thought about the modifying factor, but I don't think that stating that they've never received treatment fits the definition - a modifying factor should either be an effort to produce a change in the status of the problem, or an inadvertent action that results in a change (eg, "modifies" it, in some way) - the fact that they've never sought treatment for a problem (especially one with a duration of only 2 weeks), would only qualify as personal history, in my opinion. (And it's a weak example of that, too).

To count this as extended, I would expect to see documentation of the size, color, whether or not it's painful or has irregular borders, is bleeding/oozing, or if it's growing/changing rapidly. This note gives no indication of the physical characteristics or severity, so it doesn't convey the medical necessity, to support a higher level visit, in the first place - without that foundation, I don't see any justification for an extended HPI, even if there was enough information present in the current note. But, that's just my two cents... ;)
Thanks to all for your input. I'm sure it's easy to guess in the coder-provider pairing, who thought it was extended... Your help is always appreciated. Thanks again.